Symphonius — Music Band HTML Template
Symphonius is one page HTML template for musicians, actors, creative groups, or as a personal page.
- Well organized files, responsive layout, valid HTML5 and CSS3 code;
- Detailed documentation included and available online;
- Based on UIkit 3 framework;
- Audio, video player by MediaElement.js;
- Google Web Fonts, Font Awesome brands icons;
- Vector objects are used;
- Retina ready
If you have any questions about customization of this template which are not covered in the documentation feel free to ask a question in the comment section or contact me via my Themeforest user page contact form.
Sources and Credits:
- Happy La La La & Ukulele by StellarTracks
- Groovy Funk Rock by KirillBara
- Fast & Dynamic Garage Rock by Vigintillion
- Funky by AKNE_Music
- Motivational Indie Ambient by electromaria
- Waving Hands In The Air (Stock Footage) by StockHunter
- Diverse Women Enjoying Summer Vacations in Nature (Stock Footage) by Alona2018
All audio and video files are just for preview purpose only & they are not included in final purchase files. The files from AudioJungle and VideoHive are just preview of the original audio and video items.
All images used here are just for preview purpose only & they are not included in final purchase files.
v1.1.0 (27.01.2022)
+ Removed: instagram feed; + Removed: Custom Scrollbar plugin; + Improved: Minor CSS improvements made; + Updated: jQuery version; + Updated: Media Element version; + Updated: UIkit version
v1.0.4 (22.03.2021)
+ Fixed: Bug with instagram feed (updated jquery.instagramFeed version); + Updated: UIkit version
v1.0.3 (29.10.2020)
+ Fixed: Bug with opening media stores links on Music Section; + Improved: Opening links to social media in new browser tab; + Updated: UIkit version; + Updated: jquery.instagramFeed version
v1.0.2 (25.04.2020)
+ Updated: UIkit version (the active menu item is now correctly highlighted); + Updated: Media Element version; + Updated: jquery.instagramFeed version; + Updated: Font Awesome version; + Improved: Message sending function logic in mail.php and scripts.js files; + Improved: cleaned up excess code in styles.css; + Fixed: path values in img/favicons/browserconfig.xml and img/favicons/site.webmanifest files; + Documentation updated: Video and Contacts sections
v1.0.1 (6.03.2020)
+ Changed Instagram feed realization; + UIkit version updated; + Minor CSS improvements made
v1.0.0 (19.02.2020)
+ Initial version
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